• I am serving in the Georgia Atlanta Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from January 26, 2016 to August 1, 2017. This blog contains weekly letters and pictures about my experience.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Just the Right Timing

Hey Y'all!

This week we went to the temple! :D It is such a great experience to go to the temple, and each time we go I am increasingly grateful for having a temple in my mission. It brings so many blessings and gives me a sense of comfort and relief every time I enter its doors. And that is what I really needed after working all day every day in the hot Georgia sun!
However, the blessings of the temple didn't just stop when we left. After our trip, Sister Clark and I decided to draw the Atlanta Temple in chalk at the same park we drew the Plan of Salvation at. We spent a long time that evening trying to make it great. Many people walked by and complimented us, but none were interested. Discouraged, but hopeful, we walked away with the determination to go out the next day and see if anyone was interested.
The following day was gloomy and looked on the verge of down pouring all day long. We hoped and prayed that it wouldn't. That evening we got out to the park and decided to sing hymns next to our temple. We sang for a good 40 minuets or more, and yet nothing. But the Lord doesn't let any of our efforts go in vain. As we were backing out of our parking spot, one of the men who had walked by came up to my companion and asked us what songs we were singing. He thanked us for the music and told us to come back more often to do that. We gave him a card and would have done more, but we were blocking traffic. We hope to see him again! :D Until then, he has our number. That was a big testimony builder to me that our efforts never go wasted. 

We also had another faith-building experience, that came this weekend. On Saturday night, one of our elders called and told us to come by and visit this woman named "B". They had tracted into her and apparently she had met with sister missionaries before and wanted to meet again. We were already pretty excited. :) So on Sunday, as we were heading home from church, we decided to drop by "B"'s house. We knock at her door and her daughter answers it. Immediately she asks, "Did my mom call you?" We were all "ummm.... no?" Her mother came down shortly after, affirming what we told her. It was then that she got excited. They let us in, and Beth asked us to pray with them. We asked what we could pray for and she said her daughters health. She had been having several panic attacks that was developing into an issue. We prayed, and afterward I shared my testimony and story of my anxiety problems which were similar to hers. She was in tears by the end of the lesson. We gave them a pass-along card and she invited herself to church, and also gave us her number to come by again! :D That was such an amazing miracle! As we were getting ready to leave, the two of them kept telling us that we have touched their lives today and that they knew we were sent here for them. I can't wait to teach these two! :D It really showed me that the Lord puts us in the right places at the right times.

Later on yesterday, we dropped by a member family who we were dropping cookies off to. The husband, Brother Galli, was there with an old mission companion form when they served in this mission 30 years ago. We had the opportunity to listen to their amazing stories and testimonies that the Lord puts His missionaries in the right places at the right times. That was a further testimony to me that this is truly a heavenly work. At the end, they asked us to sing "Praise To the Man," my favorite hymn. As we sang, the spirit filled the room so sweetly and powerfully. It testified to me that this is truly the everlasting gospel. And what we are doing out here is the Lord's work to help his children return to live with him again. We have a prophet now, and one that through the power of God restored His church to the earth again. "Hail to the prophet, ascended to heaven! Traitor and tyrants shall fight him in vain." That is so true even now. Thanks to a loving Heavenly Father, though a modern prophet, he has set for his gospel to spread to every corner of the earth and make it possible for us to live with him again. I'm grateful to know this truth, and to be able to share it with others as a missionary and member on this glorious church. :)

Y'all's Southern Bell,

Sister Welch

Aunty Jan, a sister in Becca's ward, sent these pictures of Becca and Sister Clark with her recently converted niece Rachelle.  Janet is raising her niece and nephew after their mother, her sister, passed away.

Here are a TON of pictures of this week! :D First off, we saw an armadillo! A live one! :D Usually we see them as roadkill. We also saw some cool moths and mushrooms. :) Then are some pictures of us at the temple and of some of the beautiful flowers at the temple. :) Lastly, is the drawing of the temple we did. The temple is brought to you by Sister Clark! The crooked writing is by me. :P Haha! :D 

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