Hey Y'all!
"Called to serve Him, heav'nly King of glory,
Chosen e'er to witness for his name,"
So great news! All y'all who didn't read the update last week, I had my last check up's and have been approved to return to my mission tomorrow, January 3rd! It was pretty crazy. My stake president submitted my papers and that SAME DAY the missionary department approved it! I am headed out on the 8:30 am flight with all the newest missionaries from the MTC. I'm very excited for this new turn of events. :D
The day I found out I was going back, I went to the Provo City Center Temple with a good friend. It was my first time, and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was! My first thought was that it looked like a modern medieval palace. Truly, this building is worthy to be called the House of the Lord. I wish I could have gone again before I left, but I'm still grateful for my friend for taking me.
"Far and wide his love proclaim."
For new years celebrations, I spent the night with three of my closest friends. We played games, watched a movie, and just had fun. :D
On Sunday I was able to see my cousin's homecoming. I'm very grateful for this, since I wasn't suppose to have seen him for another 7 months at the very least. He did a wonderful job on his talk, and it really pumped me up for my return. :D
"Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
Onward, ever onward, as we glory in his name;
Forward, pressing forward, as a triumph song we sing.
God our strength will be; press forward ever,
Called to serve our King."
I am every grateful for this time I've been home, but I am also excited to return. When I was interviewing with my stake president he said something that caught my memory. He said that right now, someone needed my talents in Georgia. You could say that my time being home has perhaps prepared me to help this person while helping others at home in this way. Heavenly Father knows I have done everything I needed here right now, and that there are now more people in my mission to help. It's pretty crazy how he prepares us for others. We think we are making ourselves better like me with my medical problems, and we are, but we are also doing it for others. It's a completely selfless act to become perfect like Christ. In reality we are making ourselves perfect to help others. And I guess that makes sense, since Christ was completely perfect and all he did was serve us, up through his death and resurrection. I hope I can represent Him to the best of my abilities now that I am called to serve my Lord again.
See y'all in Georgia!
Sister Welch
It got pretty cold here! There was frost everywhere, including on our garland outside. :D
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